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Jordan's Anti-Mexican Racism

David Starr Jordan viewed Mexicans as an inferior race whose migration to the United States should be severely limited for eugenic purposes. 

He described Mexicans as a "mongrel race," a mix of white and Indigenous blood that showed "few of the virtues of the European stock." To Jordan, Mexican migration to the United States was a "social problem; a menace to peace and welfare."

Similar to his beliefs about Black Americans, Jordan argued that Mexicans were incapable of citizenship, that poor Mexican and Indigenous migrants were "teeming millions, ignorant, superstitious, and ill-nurtured, with little self-control… lacking, indeed, most of our Anglo-Saxon values."

Like other eugenicists of his time, Jordan portrayed Mexican migration as a public health threat spreading disease to white America. “The Mexicans have brought with them," he wrote, "bubonic plague, small pox, and typhus fever.” This narrative of Mexicans as a public health fear was a common trend in eugenic thought. 

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